Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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Teenage boy Eric Byers admits himself into the squad room, and warns the team about an unnatural desire towards his younger stepbrother, Cory Kelly. Detective Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson’s suspicions arise, and Eric admits to also looking at a website to try to curb his pedophilic urge. With no crime committed, the detectives decide to investigate this “self-help” website for pedophiles leading them to it’s creator, Jake Berlin. Eric’s rage induced stepfather is also questioned, and shortly after Eric is found missing. The detectives must race to place the clues together to find and stop Eric before any crime is committed.
Stephen Schnetzer(Dr. Engles), Ned Eisenberg(Roger Kressler), Caren Browning(Judith Siper), Marshall Allman(Eric Byers), Tom Noonan(Jake Berlin), Josh Charles(Sean Kelley), Teri Polo(Cordelia Bauer), Edelen McWilliams(CSU Tech Martin), Jay Devore(Frat Boy), Kent Cassella(Professor), Kristen Rozanski(Lisa Deering), Gabe Doran(Frank Deering), Joe Conti(Frat Boy), Abraham Amkpa(Frat Boy), Tom Hatton(Frat Boy), Jason Etter(Frat Boy), Anne James(Dr. Jane Larom), Aaron Mayer(Cory Kelley), Liam Joseph Wright(Boy)
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30 september 2008, 21:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit