Law & Order

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 16, Aflevering 6


Teenage suspect Traci Sands dies in police custody after being arrested for the murder of the man who reported her to child protective services. Rodgers reveals that she died because someone outfitted her with a benecrine I.U.D. that reacted with Sands' sickle cell syndrome and ended up killing her. Fontana and Green follow the trail to a charitable clinic and nurse Gloria Rhodes, who believes she is saving the world by sterilizing women that she does not believe are worthy of having children. McCoy faces former assistant district attorney Paul Robinette in court as Robinette defends Rhodes.
Richard Brooks(Paul Robinette), Leslie Hendrix(Elizabeth Rodgers), Heather Simms(Althea Sands), Adepero Oduye(Traci Sands), Selenis Leyva(Mariluz Rivera), Myra Lucretia Taylor(Lillie Sands), Stephanie Roth Haberle(Gloria Rhodes), Karen Olivo(Isabella Perez), Miriam A. Hyman(Savannah Watson), Catrina Ganey(Leanne Booker), Jordan Leeds(Harold Gordon), John Joseph Gallagher(Buddha), Steve Brady(Dr. Robert Horton), Haerry Kim(Chu Hu), Mike Santana(Paz), Venida Evans(Foreperson), Hudson Cooper(Bailiff), John Cariani(Julian Beck), Lauren Klein(Carla Solomon), Richard Hirschfeld(Assistant M.E. Brody), Michael Ciminera(Donatti), Phyllis Bash(Louise), Alicia Roper(Claire Porterhouse), Terrence Bae(Ben), Matthew J. Cyrus(Calvin), Elijah J. Harris(Mohammed), Kim Gambino(Lawson), Ellen Halper(Protester), Brigid Brady(Nurse)
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2 november 2005, 22:00
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Law & Order