Law & Order

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 15, Aflevering 2

The Dead Wives Club

When a woman abandoned by her firefighter husband for his partner's widow is threatened with also losing custody of her children, she murders her romantic rival, claiming that 9/11 post-traumatic stress syndrome prompted her actions.
Elisabeth Rohm(Serena Southerlyn), Leslie Hendrix(Elizabeth Rodgers), J.K. Simmons(Emil Skoda), Joseph Murphy(Gary Phillips), Billy Smith(Detective Carlson), Amy Carlson(Collette Connolly), Laurence Lau(Pancho Diamond), Jacqueline Lovell(Heather), Julia Pace Mitchell(E.R. Dr. Hass), Sarah Hyland(Kristine McLean), Robert Hogan(Hugo Bright), Victor Verhaeghe(Detective Rendel), Roma Maffia(Vanessa Galiano), Maggie Burke(Judge Georgina Franklin), Stephen Peabody(Service Manager), Dennis T. Carnegie(Frauds Detective), Jerry Clicquot(Jerry), Joseph Vincent Gay(Uniform Officer Penner), Michele Santopietro(Lisa Turro), Abigail Lopez(Lisa Santoro), Michael J. Lombardi(Uniform Officer), Susan McMahon(Jen), Carla Harting(Sloan), Michael Shen(Clerk), Patricia Marie Kelley(Foreperson), John-Luke Montias(Alsie), Jay Charan(Nalan), Richard Hirschfeld(Assistant M.E. Brody), Carsey Walker Jr.(Francis)
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Uitgezonden op:
22 september 2004, 22:00
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Law & Order