Law & Order

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 11, Aflevering 15

Swept Away - A Very Special Episode

When a participant in a TV reality show is murdered, McCoy goes after the producers and network executives for deliberately fomenting hostility among the participants to boost the ratings. All too appropriately, the outcome of the case hinges on a videotape made by a hidden-camera.
Brian McQuillan(John), Michaela Conlin(Rocky), Matthew Arkin(Mr. Mills), Charlie Day(Jeremy), Christian Borle(Tanto), Welker White(Family Court Judge), Mark Zimmerman(Nathan Murphy), Nancy Ticotin(Reina Perez), Adam Trese(Carl Easton), Tom O'Rourke(Peter Behrens), Ron McClary(Ed Mooney), Maureen Mueller(Sally Corman), Zachary Knighton(Paul Wyler), Stephanie Sanditz(Amber), Matthew Saldivar(Gavin), Kris Carr(Clair), Sheffield Chastain(Dwight McNary), Ariel Kiley(Erin), Temai Myambo(Trent), Andre Vippolis(Aaron), Tom Lee(Production Manager), Claire Alpern(Secretary), Leonard L. Thomas(CSU Technician), Lauren Klein(Carla Solomon), Robert Harriell(Mark Lawford / Wesley Tatum), Daniel Kaufman(Uniform Policeman)
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Uitgezonden op:
28 februari 2001, 22:00
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Law & Order