Kuruluş osman

8.3 / 10
120 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 37

Episode 64

Before the battle, Osman raids the Byzantines and seizes ammunition, before going to battle with the support of Turkmen and Seljuk forces. During the battle, Dukas and local Tekfurs are killed by Osman's forces, with Nikola and Helen escaping alive, and Turhan Alp being martyred. Meanwhile, Zoe tries to poison the pregnant Malhun Hatun but is caught and arrested. After the battle, Osman's son Orhan is born, whilst Bala reveals to Osman that she is pregnant and Osman decides to establish a state after visiting the Aksakals.
Hazal Benli(Zoe)
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Uitgezonden op:
23 juni 2021, 20:00
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Kuruluş osman