Knots Landing

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 2


Joe warns Mac that Karen is using the court transcripts to try and go after Frank and Roy herself. Karen asks Wayne to negotiate a parts deal, and he goes to Frank and Roy, who set him up with their front men Marshall and Angelo. J.R. has one of his companies buy Val's publishing company. J.R. also meets with Abby, who will only give him the rest of the book if he'll tell her about Jock's will. J.R. tells her that Gary's coming into millions, and it isn't dependent on Val. Laura's water breaks. Richard rushes her to the hospital, but the car goes off the road and Laura gives birth in the car. The baby isn't breathing, but Richard saves him by giving him mouth-to-mouth. They name their new son Daniel.
Larry HagmanSteve ShawStephen MachtWilliam BoyettLesley WoodsPamela Brull
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Uitgezonden op:
7 Oktober 1982, 00:00
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Knots Landing