Knots Landing

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 10, Aflevering 11

Merger Made in Heaven

Olivia discovers that Abby planted the cocaine in Harold's locker, and threatens to use it to ruin Greg's political career, so Abby agrees to drop the charges. Harold and Johnny get an apartment together. Jill continues to leave and come back. Irritated, Gary makes a hotel reservation for her and tells her not to come back. Carlos, who likes Paige, asks Greg if he's really going through with the wedding. Greg decides to move Paige to the corporate office. Paige uses Ted to make Greg jealous, and sends him a croquet set. He angrily tells her to quit pulling stunts. Before the wedding, Paige makes one more plea to Greg. He tells her that she can do better than him, he'd only hurt and disappoint her. Abby and Greg get married.
Brian Austin GreenPeter ReckellPaul CarafotesRobert DesiderioRaymond O'Keefe
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Uitgezonden op:
19 januari 1989, 00:00
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Knots Landing