Kitchen Confidential

6,0 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 1

Exile on Main Street

Jack Bourdain was a great chef four years ago until he made his own demise. Nowadays, he works in a children's restaurant run by his girlfriend. But his luck is about to change: Pino Lugeria, owner of Nolita, wants Jack to take over as head chef and to assemble a crew in 48 hours. For this, he goes back to his old friends offering all of them a chance to work together again. But this decision does not sit well with Pino's daughter, Mimi, who resents Jack.
Frank Langella(Pino Lugeria), John Cho(Teddy Wong), Bitty SchramTessie SantiagoAndrea Parker
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Uitgezonden op:
19 september 2005, 00:00
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