Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 19, Aflevering 5

Qualifications of the Biting King

As Tsukasa is fighting against Kaixa in another dimension, the Beetle Fangire defeats Wataru and becomes the new Fangire king, claiming Kivat. After the new King dissolves the truce, Yusuke arrives to protect Wataru before the boy runs off. After Yusuke expresses his reasons for helping the dethroned boy, Wataru takes refuge in the Hikari Studio. After being caught up on current events, Tsukasa makes his way to Castle Doran to save Yusuke as the Beetle Fangire absorbs the Arms Monsters into himself. After destroying the Swallowtail Fangire, Decade encounters the Beetle Fangire, who assumes Kiva's DoGaBaKi Form. When their fight makes its way to Yusuke and Wataru, the boy finds his courage to overcome his Fangire impulses and declares himself the King once more.
Kohei Murakami(Masato Kusaka / Kamen Rider Kaixa), Tomohiro Tsuboi(Swallowtail Fangire (voice)), Tomokazu Sugita(Kamen Rider Ginga (voice)), Takaya Kuroda(Dogga (voice)), Isshin Chiba(Garulu (voice)), Kōki Miyata(Basshaa (voice)), Arashi Fukasawa(Wataru), Mansaku Ikeuchi(Beetle Fangire)
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Uitgezonden op:
22 februari 2009, 08:00
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Kamen Rider