Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 19, Aflevering 4

Second Movement ♬ Kiva the Prince

Arriving in the World of Kiva, Tsukasa and company discover that the Fangires of this world have made a truce with the humans. However, when Tsukasa finds the Lion Fangire attacking a young woman, he transforms into Decade to fight him. Wataru, the King of the Fangire Race, witnesses this and becomes Kamen Rider Kiva to fight him with the aid of his Arms Monsters, forcing Decade to assume Kamen Rider Kuuga's Mighty, Titan, and Dragon Forms to counter. Yusuke manages to stop the fight, and the Swallowtail Fangire reveals that the young woman was actually a renegade Fangire. Yusuke reveals he has promised to help Wataru because he is uncomfortable with being the King.
Kohei Murakami(Masato Kusaka), Tomohiro Tsuboi(Parrot Yummy (Red) (voice)), Toshitsugu Takashina(Gamecock Yummy (voice)), Tomokazu Sugita(Kamen Rider Ginga (voice)), Takaya Kuroda(Dogga (voice)), Isshin Chiba(Garulu (voice)), Kōki Miyata(Basshaa (voice)), Sohto(Ryo Itoya), Arashi Fukasawa(Wataru), Jueru Sekiya(Girl), Honoka Nagai(Girl), Fumie Nakashima(Woman), Mansaku Ikeuchi(Beetle Fangire)
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Uitgezonden op:
15 februari 2009, 08:00
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Kamen Rider