Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 18, Aflevering 21

Rhapsody: The Fate of the Ring

After Yuri treats Otoya to a meal to thank him for what he did during the wedding incident, Jiro becomes angry at Otoya’s affection for Yuri, prompting Jiro to propose to her! Stunned, she isn’t sure whether to accept, but Shima thinks it’s a good idea. In her frustration, Yuri sets up a group date where Otoya runs into an old friend. Meanwhile, in 2008, Kengo suggests to Nago, Wataru, and Megumi a group date of their own, where things go poorly, including the antics of a clumsy waitress…
Manami Hashimoto(Kumi), Keiko Sakai(Bat Fangire (voice)), Ryohei Nakamura(Man), Kiyomi Aratani(Restaurant Owner), Yuki Yanai(Ayumi), Natsuki Oda(Sachie), Minami Hijikata(Keiko), Ayumu Maruyama(Otoya Kurenai (child)), Shiori Fukumoto(Kumi (child)), Mutsumi Takei(Customer), Yurei Yanagi(Yamashita)
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Uitgezonden op:
15 juni 2008, 09:00
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Kamen Rider