Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 14, Aflevering 28

A Dangerous Gamble!?

Leangle fights Shima, but Blade arrives to stop them. While Shima and the others think of a plan, Mutsuki continues to struggle against the Spider Undead. While trying to find Mutsuki, the Woodpecker Undead begins attacking people and Garren goes to seal it. Leangle and Shima meet again to fight. Blade arrives to stop them, but is unable to. Shima allows himself to be sealed by Leangle.
Kiyoyuki Yanada(El of the Water (voice)), Katsumi Shiono(GuldStorm (voice), GuldMirage (voice)), Kazunari Aizawa(Noboru Shima), Iona Mihara(Nurse)
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Uitgezonden op:
8 augustus 2004, 08:00
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Kamen Rider