Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 13, Aflevering 1

The Start of a Trip

Yuji Kiba leads a peaceful life until a truck hits his car, killing his parents and himself. Two years later, he awakens to find his life in ruins — his girlfriend Chie had left him for his cousin, and his house is gone. In rage, Yuji kills his cousin with his newfound powers. Meanwhile, Takumi follows Mari after realizing that they accidentally switched bags. However, the two are attacked by an Orphnoch. Mari attempts to use the Faiz belt to fight, but fails. She pushes Takumi to use it, and he defeats the Orphnoch.
Shinnosuke Abe(Keisuke Tsukuba), Mika Katsumura(Chie Morishita), Mako Koizumi(Nurse), Seiji Takaiwa(Guard), Isao Kishimoto(Researcher), Makiko Yasumuro(Restaurant Owner), Masanobu Kinoshita(Hiroshi Izawa), Hirotatsu Koyama(Daisuke Makino), Hisashi Sugiuchi(Kohei Noma), Shinichi Kase(Yuji Kiba's father), Midori Takei(Yuji Kiba's mother), Yasunori Irikawa(Kazuaki Kiba's father), Akihiro Ikeda(Researcher), Yuki Asaka(Nurse)
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Uitgezonden op:
26 januari 2003, 08:00
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Kamen Rider