Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 12, Aflevering 35

Enter Tiger

Ren and Shinji continue to fight. Yui learns that Ren will continue to fight for Eri's sake by any means, even if it means he will be dead before his wish can be granted. Takeshi is arrested a tip-off from Shuichi. Daisuke and Reiko try to find a connection between the recent disappearances with the mirrors, and more secrets behind Shiro Kanzaki and the Ejima Lab (now known as Kagawa Lab). Ren challenges Shiro to fight by force in the Mirror World, but is overpowered by Odin. However, before Odin can destroy Knight's Card Deck, he stabs Odin with his Winglancer. Shinji learns that the occupants of Room 401 at Seimeiin University are planning to seal Mirror World. Eri finally regains consciousness.
Katsumi Shiono(Kamen Rider Sabaki (voice)), Mikiya Sanada(Police officer), Nobuhiro Fujita(Police officer)
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Uitgezonden op:
22 september 2002, 09:00
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Kamen Rider