Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 11, Aflevering 7

A Piece of a Memory

After defeating one of the Snake Unknowns Ryo Ashihara goes into shock due to the recoil of his powers and is abducted by the DNA child. Makoto Hikawa's supervisors feel that they must rethink Makoto operating the G3 unit and have suspended all operations of the G3-System. Makoto reflects on the incident that led to him becoming G3. Mana touches Shoichi Tsugami's head when he collapses and accidentally dives into his memory with her powers, discovering a terrible connection between him and her late father.
Ryunosuke Kamiki(Mysterious Boy, Overlord of Light/Agito), Kentaro Kaji(Senior Police), Ken Kano(Senior Police), Takafumi Anai(Mysterious Boy, Overlord of Darkness/Agito), Akira Morishita(Senior Police), Motokuni Nakagawa(Diver / Hydra), Kenji Yabe(Bogy (voice)), Makoto Ito(Danki), Satomi Tanimura(Mana Kazaya (child)), Katsumi Shiono(Kamen Rider Sabaki (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
11 Maart 2001, 08:00
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Kamen Rider