It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

7.8 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 14, Aflevering 8

Paddy's Has a Jumper

Trapped inside Paddy's with a suicide jumper on the roof, the Gang wonders if they should bother intervening with an algorithm of their own - Could he, would he, should we? the second half hour, Dennis and Charlie stand guard at the entrance to their laser tag base waiting to ambush the legendary "Big Mo," but Dennis begins to ponder the reasons they play laser tag and if their pursuit of a victory is worth their effort.
David Hornsby(Matthew 'Rickety Cricket' Mara), John Ponzio(Manager), Bob Wiltfong(Chet), Jessica Collins(Jackie Denardo), Christine Horn(Cop)
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Uitgezonden op:
13 november 2019, 22:00
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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia