In the Land of Leadale

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24 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 4

A Son, a Fight, a Journey, and Bandits

Cayna recovers very quickly from her depression, just as Kartatz seeks her out, and she gets properly introduced to Skargo. Later, Elineh hires her as a caravan guard while he travels to the neighboring kingdom of Helshper, since the usual route has been beset by bandits. Although they attempt to take an alternative route, they run into an ambush set by the bandits. However, thanks to Cayna's powerful magic and some summoned allies, the bandits are easily defeated, allowing the caravan to continue on its way.
Tomoaki Maeno(Elineh (voice)), Shinji Kawada(Arbiter (voice)), Ryuuichi Kijima(Exis (voice)), Akihiro Tajima(Bandit leader (voice)), Takayuki Miyamoto(Vice-captain (voice)), Natsuko Abe(Lonti (voice)), Takuya Makimura(Heigl (voice)), Yu Taniguchi(Shining Saber's knight B (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
26 januari 2022, 23:30
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In the Land of Leadale