I Love Lucy

7.7 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 10

Changing the Boys' Wardrobe

Lucy and Ethel are disgusted by their husbands' old clothes, so they secretly give them away to a secondhand store. Unfortunately for them, the boys find out about their plan, and buy everything back. Later on, Ricky learns that a magazine has named Fred and him as two of the "Best-Dressed Men in New York City." He and Fred, dressed in tuxedos, invite the girls to meet them at the club for pictures. The girls arrive in their grubbiest attire.
Jerry Hausner(Jerry), Lee Millar(Emcee), Oliver Blake(Zeb Allen), Alberto Calderone(Alberto), Paul Power(Man in Upper Box)
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Uitgezonden op:
7 december 1953, 00:00
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I Love Lucy