
7.9 / 10
52 min
Misdaad, Dramedy
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 5

Old Acquaintance

When Stacie claps eyes on her estranged husband Jake who left her five years ago taking everything she owned with him, she's certain he is to be the gang's next mark. Having graduated from the short con world to the professional poker circuit, he's good and he won't be an easy target. But the team swears to exact revenge on him for Stacie. Is Stacie really prepared to leave her friends for love? Or has she really got another card up her sleeve....?
Max BeesleyNigel Whitmey(Chip Lacey), Grant Masters(Snake Eyes), John Harding(Shop Manager)
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Uitgezonden op:
26 april 2005, 00:00
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