Hunter x Hunter (2011)

8.9 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 23

The x Guard's x Duty!

Gon and his friends have decided to pass through the Trial Gate to see Killua. First, they must train in the servants' residence until they can open the gate. Meanwhile, Killua has learned that Gon and the others are here to see him. Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika are able to open the gate after completing their training, but the apprentice butler Canary stands in their way.
Miyuki Sawashiro(Kurapika (voice)), Keiji Fujiwara(Leorio (voice)), Tomohiro Nishimura(Seaquant (voice)), Ken'yuu Horiuchi(Gotoh (voice)), Yutaka Nakano(Zebro (voice)), Motoko Kumai(Canary (voice)), Junko Iwao(Kikyo (voice)), Kimiko Saito(Milluki (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
18 Maart 2012, 01:30
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Hunter x Hunter (2011)