Heartbeat (1992)

8.6 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 6, Aflevering 15

Bygones Be Bygones

Nick is suspicious of a financial advisor that comes to the area, he seems all too keen to advise people with their money matters including Jo's dad. Many of the locals including Maggie and Blaketon receive anonymous letters. Phil has the job of tracking down the type writer which they were written on - he finds it at Claude's house - but Claude's not guilty as he's had a letter himself, he's embarrassed by its content but shows it to Nick and swears him to secrecy! It turns out that it was a local widow's husband who was responsible.
Peter Benson(Bernie Scripps), Robin Bowerman(Jack Anderson), Pavel DouglasBernard Gallagher(Graham Weston), Elizabeth Bennett(Joyce Jowett), Phil Rowlands(Mr. Sims), Maggie Tagney(Mrs. Mason)
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Uitgezonden op:
15 december 1996, 17:00
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Heartbeat (1992)