Hart of Dixie

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 9

Something to Talk About

When Zoe learns that Wade is interested in dating someone close to her, she tries everything she can do to put a stop to it. Lavon enlists George to help save BlueBell from merging with another town. To help keep the town in the dark about the planned merger, Zoe uses Joel and AnnaBeth to create a scandalous distraction to throw people off the trail. Meanwhile, Brick starts dating again, but finds himself in a tough predicament when someone from his past resurfaces.
Ross Philips(Tom Long), Reginald VelJohnson(Dash DeWitt), McKaley Miller(Rose Hattenbarger), Mallory Moye(Wanda Long), Carla Renata(Susie), Mircea Monroe(Tansy Truitt), Charles Robinson(Sergeant Jeffries), Laura Bell Bundy(Shelby Sinclair), Matt Oberg(Scooter McGreevy), Alan Autry(Todd Gainey Sr.), Josh Cooke(Joel Stephens), Antoinette Robertson(Lynly Hayes), Lauren Bittner(Vivian Wilkes), Susan Diol(Carolee O'Connell), Kevin Brief(Comptroller Todd Riley), Tiffany Chandon(Lucille)
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13 januari 2014, 21:00
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Hart of Dixie