Hart of Dixie

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 17

A Good Run of Bad Luck

Zoe is convinced that she and Lavon are cursed and the only way to make things right is to fix the past. When Vivian’s son asks Wade for some advice, he is happy to help, but not everyone is excited about his methods. After an unplanned encounter, George and Lemon try to avoid each other, but it is more difficult now that they are business partners. Meanwhile, AnnaBeth is getting fed up with one of Brick’s patients, Davis, until she learns the real reason behind his ailments.
Mallory Moye(Wanda Long), Charles Robinson(Sergeant Jeffries), Steven M. Porter(Frank Moth), Deborah Lacey(Madame Van Horn), Lauren Bittner(Vivian Wilkes), Cole Sand(Little Harley), Anne Ramsay(Winifred Wilkes), Ben Giroux(Little Zach), Jon Dore(Charles), Barry Watson(Davis Polk), Rafael J. Noble(Burt), Sigmund Watkins(Waiter), Kevin Railsback(Delivery Man)
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Uitgezonden op:
11 april 2014, 21:00
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Hart of Dixie