Hart of Dixie

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 18

Why Don't We Get Drunk?

Lavon’s big plans of making BlueBell a Spring Break destination hits a roadblock when the competing town tries to lure the partiers away. With the help of Ruby Jeffries, Lavon creates a competition that is bound to attract some attention. Eager to join in some much-deserved fun, Zoe agrees to give partying a try with Jonah, but seeing them together makes George jealous. Wade and Lemon decide to compete in Lavon’s contest in order to win the grand prize to buy the Rammer Jammer, which they have learned is for sale. Meanwhile, Brick has been acting odd and when everyone begins to notice they force him to seek treatment.
Kaitlyn Black(Annabeth Nass), John Marshall Jones(Wally Maynard), Travis Van Winkle(Jonah Breeland), Stephanie Panisello(Boat Contestant (uncredited)), John Eric Bentley(Sheriff Bill), Mircea Monroe(Tansy Truitt), Golden Brooks(Ruby Jeffries), Charles Robinson(Sergeant Jeffries), Laura Bell Bundy(Shelby Sinclair), Alan Autry(Todd Gainey Sr.), Charlotte Newhouse(Boat Contestant), Raymond Lee(Andrew), Dillan Arrick(College Girl), Devon Ogden(Sorority Girl), Kristy Johnson(Kitty Lyons), Sommer Branham(Hula Hooping Spring Breaker)
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9 april 2013, 20:00
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Hart of Dixie