Hart of Dixie

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 7

The Crush & The Crossbow

When Nascar’s Brian Vickers has to drop out of hosting Bluebell Junior League’s annual turtle race, Lemon is reluctantly convinced that the mayor is the perfect replacement as her co-host. Zoe is asked out on a date by a handsome local veterinarian, Dr. Judson Lyons. Wade has an unexpected visitor who stirs up all kinds of trouble for him.
Kaitlyn Black(Annabeth Nass), Ross Philips(Tom Long), Wes Brown(Dr. Judson Lyons), Dawn Didawick(Eugenia), Esther Scott(Delma Warner), Deborah S. Craig(Shelley Ng), Eisa Davis(Addy Pickett), Eve Gordon(Delia Ann Lee), John Eric Bentley(Sheriff Bill), Mircea Monroe(Tansy Truitt), Kevin Berntson(Coach Scott), Hugh Dane(Mailman), Nancy Daly(Carrie Anne), Brian Vickers(Brian Vickers), Cary Wayne Moore(Colt)
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Uitgezonden op:
14 november 2011, 22:59
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Hart of Dixie