
7.9 / 10
25 min
Actie, Sciencefiction, Fantasy, Comedy, Animatie
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 30

Beware of Food You Pick Up Off the Ground

Worried about her pet’s sudden drop in appetite, Kagura takes Sadaharu to the veterinary hospital. Katsura happens to be there as well, explaining how Elizabeth is in bad health and has been hospitalized to undergo surgery. Fortunately Sadaharu’s condition is nothing serious, but he’s kept overnight just to be safe. Around the same time, an old dog that has also been hospitalized is about to take its last breath. It seems the owner is in critical condition as well, and with only death awaiting them both, Kagura decides to take the old dog to its owner.
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Uitgezonden op:
23 Oktober 2008, 18:00
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