General Hospital

8.3 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 38, Aflevering 20

01.29.01 - Monday

Preview: Bobbie finally meets Melissa Bedford. Recap: Ned made the first move towards reconciling with Alexis and went to the Penthouse to talk to her. Alexis quickly ended her business duties and told Ned that she was fully committed to working out their relationship problems. As they made out on the sofa, they were interrupted by Roy who needed a favor from Alexis. Ned asked her to choose between doing a favor for Roy and being with him. She waffled and Ned took her indecision as an answer and he left. Roy asked her to seal the records of his testimony in the Bedford case. He believed that if found in the wrong hands, the testimony could ruin his life. Stefan demanded that Laura help him repair his relationship with Nikolas, but Laura told him that he deserved Nikolas's scorn. Stefan said that nothing and no one would keep him from Nikolas, not even Laura. Liz was extremely nervous at her test shoot and didn't want to start until Laura arrived. The photographer convinced her to start
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Uitgezonden op:
29 januari 2001, 00:00
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General Hospital