General Hospital

8.3 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 37, Aflevering 54

03.16.00 - Thursday

In Charleston, Laura draws the attention of an intrigued stranger but gently fends him off by claiming that she's waiting for her husband. Felicia beams while her excited daughters welcome Mac back into the fold. Later, Maxie eavesdrops as Mac icily reminds Felicia he's only come back to be the girls' dad. Jane assures Chloe there are no hard feelings about the phony marriages she and Jax arranged. Alexis plays dumb when Mac arrives with questions about her half-brother's recent activities. Laura and Luke meet with an old friend to discuss "The Haunted Star" but Raoul reveals that he sold the yacht years ago. Helena suggests to Lucky that his decision to move out of his parents' house probably saved his life. Jax is outraged to hear his mother dispensing some unsolicited advice to Chloe. Stefan makes a surprise appearance to convince Port Charles' police commissioner that he hasn't been out chasing Helena. Mac begins warming back up to Felicia. Raoul tells the Spencers that their forme
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16 Maart 2000, 00:00
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General Hospital