General Hospital

8.3 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 33, Aflevering 3

01.12.96 - Friday

Jason opens his eyes again in front of AJ & has an involuntary movement. Brenda unknowingly makes a guilty AJ feel even worse when she talks about Ned's guilt over causing the accident. Encouraged by Jason's recovery, Lila plans a party to celebrate Justus & Simone's wedding & Emily's birthday. Lucky tells Luke he needs money because he lost it gambling, but loses even more money while gambling on credit. Justus tells Luke the city council asked for his resignation. Ned learns Lois's plane went down in Brazil. Garcia arrives at G.H. with a warrant for Damian's blood, then later arrests Katherine for his murder.
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Uitgezonden op:
12 januari 1996, 00:00
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General Hospital