Family Guy

8.2 / 10
22 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 2

Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High

Brian becomes a substitute teacher at Chris' school after his teacher wins the lottery. When Brian is moved to teach a class of troubled kids, Chris falls in love with his new teacher, Mrs. Lockhart, who promises to love Chris only if he kills her husband. When Lois finds out, she and Stewie decide to teach Chris a lesson.
Lori Alan(Diane Simmons / Girl (voice)), Drew Barrymore(Jillian Russell (voice)), Tara Strong((voice)), Jonathan Lipnicki(Wesly (voice)), Arif S. Kinchen(Carlos (voice)), Steven Zirnkilton(Steven Zirnkilton (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
8 Mei 2005, 20:30
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Family Guy