Family Guy

8.2 / 10
22 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 6

Death Lives

Peter sneaks away on his and Lois' anniversary to play golf at an upscale country club, only to be struck by lightning and have a near-death experience. Death promises to give Peter a revelation to help his marriage if Peter helps him get a date. Meanwhile, Peter sets up a fake scavenger hunt for Lois and the kids, which takes them all over Quahog.
Lori Alan(Diane Simmons / Girl (voice)), Adam Carolla(Death / Super Death (voice)), Wally Wingert(Man (voice)), Peter Frampton(Peter Frampton (voice)), Estelle Harris(Death's Mother (voice)), Laura Silverman(Amy (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
15 augustus 2001, 20:30
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Family Guy