Epic Rap Battles of History

7,0 / 10
3 min
Comedy, Muziek
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Flash in the Pan Hip Hop Conflicts of Nowadays - PewDiePie vs T-Series

PewDiePie (epicLLOYD) vs TSeries (Nice Peter) in Flash in the Pan Hip Hop Conflicts of Nowadays! Who Won? Who Cares? You Decide. We saw a lot of suggestions for this, and it's the holidays, so we buckled in and made this as a gift to our Youtube kinsfolk. See you soon with new battles in 2019, and new somethings or others here on ERB2 as we go along.
Peter Shukoff(Self), Lloyd Ahlquist(Bill Clinton)
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Uitgezonden op:
16 december 2018, 12:00
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Epic Rap Battles of History