
7.7 / 10
28 min
Drama, Soap
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 17


Tony takes his laundry to the launderette and Dot tells him all about her date the night before with "a darky" who wined and dined her. Tony confronts her that he saw her in the "Burger Barn" last night on her own. He tells her to give up the dating stories before everyone finds out the truth and laughs at her. She says they do anyway but gets him to promise not to tell anyone.
Sandy Ratcliff(Sue Osman), Gretchen FranklinTom Watt(Lofty Holloway), Douglas Fielding(Detective Sergeant Quick), Jane How(Janet "Jan" Hammond), Sidney Kean(Delivery man), Shreela Ghosh(Naima Jeffery)
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Uitgezonden op:
27 februari 1986, 20:00
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