Dragon Ball Z

8.4 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 4

The History of Trunks

When the citizens of Earth learn that a deadly asteroid is on a collision course with their planet, it's up to Goku and Krillin to save the day in this feature entry in the popular DragonBall Z series. Though the heroic duo is able to deflect the asteroid from its destructive course, the threat to Earth continues when a mysterious vessel carrying the evil Lord Slug departs from the asteroid and lands on Earth. As Lord Slug acquires the seven magic DragonBalls and sets his plan to strip the planet of its natural resources into motion, it appears that even Goku may not be able to put a stop to his mortal enemy's destructive plan.
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Uitgezonden op:
23 februari 1993, 19:00
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Dragon Ball Z