Dr. Phil

7.9 / 10
45 min
Drama, Praatprogramma
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Fighting Fair

All couples argue, but Dr. Phil says name-calling, temper tantrums and hitting below the belt can ruin a marriage. He sits down with Mark and Leana who have been married for only five months but say they’re headed for divorce court. Leana says her husband spends more time with his band mates than he does with her and their four children. Mark says Leana constantly emasculates him, and he accuses her of being unfaithful. You won’t believe what home video cameras captured during the newlyweds' 62-minute fight. Find out what Dr. Phil witnesses that disturbs him the most. Can this couple resolve their differences, or should they call it quits? If you and your mate are having knock-down, drag-out battles, don’t miss Dr. Phil’s rules for fighting fair!
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Uitgezonden op:
26 januari 2009, 15:00
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Dr. Phil