Dr. Phil

7.9 / 10
45 min
Drama, Praatprogramma
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 66

Fighting Back

Would you return a diamond ring if a jeweler gave you the wrong one by mistake? Is it fair for a company to ask an employee to lose weight? Dr. Phil’s guests are fighting back against what they believe are injustices. Eddie says he had already proposed to his fiancée, Ashley, when the jewelry store called and dropped a bombshell. He had accidentally been given another customer’s ring -- of a much greater value -- and the store wanted it back. Should Eddie be held responsible for the jeweler’s mistake? He finally has his day in court … on Dr. Phil’s stage! Then, Virginia was a bartender for a popular nightspot in Los Angeles, but says her employer asked her to lose five pounds and reassigned her to the kitchen. Virginia says she’s always been a size 6, and the ordeal has damaged her self-confidence. Her attorney Gloria Allred weighs in on gender stereotypes in the workplace. And, Trevor says his neighbor’s dog, Chloe, constantly barks and interrupts his sleep and meditation time. He says the canine has caused him to file several complaints with Animal Control, and he often videotapes Chloe to collect evidence. His neighbors, Ric and Sandy, say Trevor is barking up the wrong tree because he’s the only one in the neighborhood who complains about their pooch. Can these feuding neighbors reach a compromise?
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9 december 2008, 15:00
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Dr. Phil