Doctor Who

8.4 / 10
48 min
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Seizoen 6, Aflevering 7

A Good Man Goes to War (1)

Amy Pond has been kidnapped and the Doctor is raising an army to rescue her as the drama continues. But as he and Rory race across galaxies, calling in long-held debts and solemnly given promises, his enemies are laying a carefully concealed trap. In her cell in Stormcage, River Song sadly acknowledges that the time has come at last – today will mark the Battle of Demons Run and the Doctor’s darkest hour. Both sides will make their sacrifices and River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor.
Dan Starkey(Ian), Neve McIntosh(Madame Vastra), Catrin Stewart(Jenny Flint), Nicholas Briggs(Daleks (voice) / Cybermen (voice)), Alex Kingston(River Song), Simon Fisher-Becker(Dorium Maldovar), Frances Barber(Madame Kovarian), Hugh Bonneville(Henry Avery), Oscar Lloyd(Toby Avery), Charlie Baker(Fat One), Dan Johnston(Thin One), Christina Chong(Lorna Bucket), Damian Kell(Dominicus), Richard Trinder(Captain Harcourt), Danny Sapani(Colonel Manton), Joshua Hayes(Lucas), Annabel Cleare(Eleanor), Henry Wood(Arthur)
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4 juni 2011, 18:15
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Doctor Who