Doctor Who

8.4 / 10
48 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 7


In a far-flung galaxy, saboteurs are at work, and crew members are being possessed. The TARDIS crew find themselves in the 42nd century on a spaceship, SS Pentallian, slowly being pulled into a sun, and must find a way to survive
Adjoa Andoh(Francine Jones), Michelle Collins(Kath McDonnell), Anthony Flanagan(Orin Scannell), Elize Du Toit(Sinister Woman), Vinette Robinson(Rosa Parks), Gary Powell(Dev Ashton), William Ash(Riley Vashtee), Matthew Chambers(Hal Korwin), Rebecca Oldfield(Erina Lessak)
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Uitgezonden op:
19 Mei 2007, 18:15
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Doctor Who