Doctor Who

8.4 / 10
48 min
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Seizoen 12, Aflevering 7

Can You Hear Me?

As Graham, Yaz and Ryan return home to see friends and family, they find themselves haunted by very different experiences. Who is the figure calling from beyond the stars for help, and why? And what are the fearsome Chagaskas terrorising Aleppo in 1380? To find the answers, Team TARDIS must embark on a mission which forces them to face their darkest fears.
Sharon D. Clarke(Grace), Everal Walsh(Gabriel), Ian Gelder(Zellin), Bhavnisha Parmar(Sonya Khan), Clare-Hope Ashitey(Rakaya), Willie Jonah(Old Tibo), Buom Tihngang(Tibo), Aruhan Galieva(Tahira), Nasreen Hussain(Anita Patel), Sirine Sabba(Maryam), Michael Keane(Fred), Amanda Liberman(Mum), Anthony Taylor(Andrew)
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Uitgezonden op:
9 februari 2020, 19:00
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Doctor Who