Doctor Who

8.4 / 10
48 min
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Seizoen 10, Aflevering 6

Extremis (1)

“The Veritas. The truth. Truth so true you can't live with it. Is that looking into hell... or seeing the light?” Everyone who has ever read the Veritas has been found dead. In a forbidden library at the heart of the Vatican, the pope urges the Doctor to read the ancient text - but can he handle the truth?
Jennifer Hennessy(Valerie), Joseph Long(Rocco Colasanto), Jamie Hill(Foretold), Michelle Gomez(Missy), Corrado Invernizzi(Cardinal Angelo), Ronke Adekoluejo(Penny), Ivanno Jeremiah(Rafando), Laurent Maurel(Nicholas), Tim Bentinck(Voice of the Monks), Francesco Martino(Piero), Alana Maria(Pentagon Woman)
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Uitgezonden op:
20 Mei 2017, 20:30
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Doctor Who