Doctor Who

8.4 / 10
48 min
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The Next Doctor

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London, it's Christmas, but the snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization...familiar silver giants of an alternate reality are amassing in numbers, The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are The Doctor...and another Doctor?
David Tennant(The Doctor), Nicholas Briggs(Daleks (voice) / Cybermen (voice)), Paul Kasey(Wooden Queen), Ruari Mears(Praygat), David Morrissey(Jackson Lake), Dervla Kirwan(Miss Hartigan), Velile Tshabalala(Rosita), Edmund Kente(Mr Scoones), Michael Bertenshaw(Mr Cole), Neil McDermott(Jed), Jason Morell(Vicar), Ashley Horne(Lad), Tom Langford(Frederic), Jordan Southwell(Urchin), Matthew Allick(Docker)
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25 december 2008, 20:30
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Doctor Who