Doctor Who

8.4 / 10
48 min
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The Christmas Invasion

Location: London, England, Earth Date: December 2005 Enemy: The Sycorax Rose and the newly-regenerated Doctor continue their adventures together in this Christmas Special episode. Christmas becomes a time of terror for Planet Earth, as the whole of mankind falls under the shadow of the alien Sycorax. Rose needs the Doctor's help, but can she trust a man with a new face?
David Tennant(The Doctor), Billie Piper(Rose Tyler (archive footage)), Penelope Wilton(Harriet Jones), Camille Coduri(Jackie Tyler), Noel Clarke(Self), Lachele Carl(Narrator (voice)), Jason Mohammad(Newsreader), Daniel Evans(Danny Llewellyn), Adam Garcia(Alex), Sean Gilder(Sycorax Leader), Anita Briem(Sally), Sian McDowall(Sandra), Paul Anderson(Jason), Cathy Murphy(Mum), Sagar Arya(Newsreader), Chu Omambala(Major Blake), Seán Carlsen(Policeman)
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Uitgezonden op:
25 december 2005, 20:30
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Doctor Who