Diners, Drive-ins and Dives

25 min
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Seizoen 31, Aflevering 7

Triple D Nation: Chili Three Ways

Peaceful Restaurant (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) • Fox Bros. Bar-B0Q (Atlanta, Ga.) • Los Taquitos Comida Mexicana (Phoenix, Ariz.) Guy Fieri crosses the border to Vancouver, British Columbia, to check in on an authentic Chinese place and see if their Thousand Chili Chicken is as spicy as it sounds. Then he heads south to Atlanta, where a couple of Texan twins are makin' out-of-bounds brisket chili and expanding all over the ATL. Finally, a sibling-run taquería in Phoenix is churning out Mom's famous green chili and taking over the town.
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Uitgezonden op:
17 Mei 2019, 21:00
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Diners, Drive-ins and Dives