Dancing with the Stars

7.4 / 10
120 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 2

Episode 301A

The first team of dancers is eliminated. The professional dancer perform a group choreographed Mambo. Tom Jones performs “It’s Not Unusual” and “She’s A Lady.” Tucker Carlson is the first person to be voted off in season 3.
Emmitt Smith(Self - Contestant), Tucker Carlson(Self - Contestant), Shanna Moakler(Self - Contestant), Harry Hamlin(Self - Contestant), Vivica A. Fox(Self - Contestant), Willa Ford(Self - Contestant), Jerry Springer(Self - Contestant), Monique Coleman(Self - Contestant), Joey Lawrence(Self - Contestant), Mario López(Self - Contestant), Sara Evans(Self - Contestant)
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Uitgezonden op:
13 september 2006, 20:00
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Dancing with the Stars