Dancing with the Stars

7.4 / 10
120 min
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Seizoen 10, Aflevering 2

Dancing with the Stars Season 10 Episode 2

In the second week of the competition the stars will bring the Jive or the Foxtrot onto the dance floor.
Erin Andrews(Self - Contestant), Shannen Doherty(Self - Contestant), Buzz Aldrin(Self - Contestant), Aiden Turner(Self - Contestant), Kate Gosselin(Self - Contestant), Jake Pavelka(Self - Contestant), Pamela Anderson(Self - Contestant), Niecy Nash(Self - Guest Judge), Chad Ochocinco(Self - Contestant), Nicole Scherzinger(Self - Contestant), Evan Lysacek(Self - Contestant)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 Maart 2010, 20:00
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Dancing with the Stars