CSI: Miami

7.9 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 18

Game Over

An extreme skateboarder and videogame tester is found dead on a half-pipe platform used to program extreme skateboarding video games. The CSIs discover that he was wearing reflective sensors when he was killed, so the motion-capture device used to produce these videogames recorded the murder as it happened, but not the murderer. Now the team delves into the highly competitive world of videogame programmers and testers to find the killer.
Jonathan Togo(Ryan Wolfe), Brian Poth(Tyler Jenson), Jennifer Sky(Sara Piper), Boti Bliss(Maxine Valera), Brooke BloomTony Hawk(Jake Sullivan), Kerr Smith(Matthew Wilton), Kate Norby(Julie Sullivan), Ethan Cohn(Todd Simmons), Robert Mailhouse(Dave Strong), Kyle Downes(Ron Benson), Hal Ozsan(Brandon Pace), Lisa Rotondi(Rachel Thomas), Andy MacDonald(Skater Andy), Paul Hipp(Vince Fisher), Michael Wiseman(Connor Meade), James Grimaldi(Bill Waller)
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Uitgezonden op:
21 Maart 2005, 22:00
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CSI: Miami