Critical Role

9.6 / 10
180 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 11

The Temple Showdown

This time around, Vox Machina finds themselves in dire straits. We pick up where we last left off, with the adventurers about to take on a giant of some sort they stumbled upon while scouting. After Vax’ildan is overpowered by it’s dreadful stench, a fight ensues, in which the giant is revealed to be a Fomorian and is quickly subdued. Keyleth places a geas upon their foe, forcing him to fight for them in the battle against K’varn. Everybody then rests, to prepare for their next big test: the assault on K’varn’s temple. Who will survive this grueling battle?​
Orion Acaba(Tiberus)
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21 Mei 2015, 00:00
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Critical Role