Coronation Street

7.6 / 10
20 min
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Seizoen 23, Aflevering 20

Episode 2185 (10th March 1982)

Fred's back is better but he decides to make the most of the attention he's getting and stays in bed. Ivy and the girls feel sure that Dot Stockwell had the Webster's order cancelled. Mike puts them all back on a three-day week. Vera tells Elsie she's to blame but Elsie tells the girls that she doesn't care what they think. Eddie helps out behind the bar as Bet and Betty can't cope with the cellar. Sharon has a great time with Len pulling out a boiler. Len finds that she's too much for him and can't wait for her to be taken home. Eddie tells Fred that he could claim compensation for falling down the steps. Vera tells Ivy they should send Elsie to Coventry.
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Uitgezonden op:
10 Maart 1982, 19:30
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Coronation Street