City Hunter

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25 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 10

A wedding dress for Christmas. . . (Part 1)

Ryo and Kaori receive a strange request from the head of the Yamaoka family looking to retrieve his daughter, Tsubaki from the son of the rival Umino family, Kazuhiko. It appears that Tsubaki and Kazuhiko have eloped against their parent's wishes and both families want the couple broken up to preserve the rivalry. When Tsubaki manages to escape from Ryo, Kaori volunteers to go to the Umino mansion for a party where she witnesses Tsubaki crash the party with a horse to retrieve Kazuhiko. As they escape, Ryo notices a strange car following the couple.
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Uitgezonden op:
17 december 1989, 00:00
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City Hunter