City Hunter

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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 38

To Kaori From Ryo, With Love At Christmas (Part 2)

It turns out that the document that Ookouchi is looking for is not the land ownership certificate, but a black leather pocketbook which is a ledger for Ookouchi's shady dealings. Also, Hitayoshi reveals why he is under Ookouchi's thumb, he unknowingly assisted in Ookouchi's criminal activities by allowing him to illegally plunder goods and resources sent to Japan after World War II. Ookouchi requests an exchange: the pocketbook for the kidnapped girl, but Ookouchi has a trap laid out for them as well as razing Kusunoki House to the ground.
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Uitgezonden op:
28 december 1988, 00:00
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City Hunter